
We stock a wide range of plants suitable for the Canberra area. 

In our nursery you will find everything you need for your garden. From hardy Australian native shrubs to fruit trees and everything in between - we have an extensive range of plants for your garden.

Here is just a taste of plants we generally stock (depending on the season). For any enquiries, or if you are after something specific, give us a call on 6247 3537 or drop by.

Australian Natives

Our range includes ground covers and small shrubs to large trees. Our most popular varieties: correa, grevilliea, westringia (native rosemary), acacia (wattle), callistemon (bottle brush) and more.

Sun Loving plants

We stock a wide variety of sun loving plants, from lavender to mexican orange blossom and everything in-between. 


The favourites: viburnum, pittosporum, photina, fejoia 


Jasmine, clematis, boston ivy

Shade Loving

A wide variety of camellia, azalea, rhododendron, gardenia, daphne, pieris and many more.

Fruit trees and edibles

The best time to buy fruit trees and berries is when they are dormant over Winter. However, we often a few varieties available throughout the year, drop by or contact us to confirm what is in stock. Our range often includes: apple, pear, peach, nectarine, plum, walnut, mulberry, almond, fig, permission, blackberries, raspberries, asparagus and more. 

In the warmer months we stock a wide range of citrus, including lemons (lemonade, meyer and dwarf varieties), limes (Tahitian and Kaffir), cumquats, calamondins, grapefruit, orange and blood orange. 

Smaller edibles available year round include blueberries, passionfruit and strawberries.

Trees and larger plants

Ornamental pears (manchurian, capital and more), dogwood, maples, Japanese maples, crepe myrtles, forest pansy, magnolia, crap apples, lilacs, and so much more...


Please note: this is not a comprehensive list and availability of plants is dependant on the season.